Content Systems for Growth - Project Management Software, Efficient, Consistency, Content Calendar, Blog Workflow, Planning, Systems

Save time with systemized content marketing strategies and productivity tips. Do you feel you’re running after a squirrel when it comes to consistently creating, organizing, and managing your content creation? Do you find yourself thinking, seriously, how do you even organize content? Without always wondering, where did I put that thing? More often than not, you find yourself going down a rabbit hole when it comes to locating any of your old content it is scattered and disorganized. You know in your heart that you were called to make a difference with your business, called for more to create a change. Your time is precious; every minute counts. Even the thought of getting your content organized and systemized is overwhelming. What tech do I use? Howwww do I work it? and How do I make it work for MY brain? Have you caught yourself saying, “Why is this so hard?” When it comes to your content creation for your online business? I know these are the exact words I used through sobs of tears as I dropped to my knees, praying for an easier solution to managing all the bits and bots of my content. In my mind, it just shouldn’t feel this hard and take this long to create content. For goodness’ sake, I had enough on my plate with managing the crazy schedules of three active kids, fitting quality time with my husband, and household, all while running an online business. The weight of it all felt impossible. Throwing spaghetti at the wall every day, creating new content when really want I needed to do was take the time to sit down to create a repeatable workflow to no longer depend on my brain to remember it all, create a structure to organize my files and look for ways that everything I created worked together so that my content actually generated new leads. If this is you, fill your coffee mug. You’re about to walk away with easy actions to market your business better with productivity tips and simple systems for your content creation. Book A Mini Session: 30-minute mini session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!

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Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

In this episode, I shared my top 20 software tools that I use weekly, both for my business and my client's businesses. If you're a busy entrepreneur juggling many tasks, exploring new software might not be high on your to-do list. That's where this episode comes in handy.
I discussed tools like Canva for image creation, Descript for podcast recording and editing, WordPress for website management, Notion for organization, Asana for project management, and Trello for client projects.
We also talked about UberSuggest for SEO, Google Workspace for email and file storage, Metricool for social media scheduling, Grammarly for grammar and spelling checks, and AI tools like ChatGPT and WordTune for content generation and editing.
I mentioned Style Stock Society for stock images, HoneyBook as my CRM software, Flodesk for email marketing, Podbean for podcast hosting, and an AppSumo software called Let's Connect, which features a chatbot for website interaction.
For SEO, I use SEMrush and Yoast SEO, and I also highlighted Social Curator for social media marketing education. Wrapping it up, I mentioned Yoast SEO for website SEO optimization and two tools, Tiny PNG and ImageOptim, for image size reduction without compromising quality.
If you're looking to streamline your business processes and discover valuable software tools, this episode is a must-listen. I hope you find these insights valuable for your entrepreneurial journey. Have a fantastic week ahead!
Link to the blog post:
💰 Get HoneyBook for 50% off for one year with my referral link:
Free Resource: Digital File Organization
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Struggling to keep your ideas organized and easy to find? Today, we're exploring how to streamline your idea-capturing process using digital tools. No more lost sticky notes or forgotten brilliant thoughts!
Embracing Digital Tools: Learn how Notion, Project Management, Notes with Mac, and Google Keep can transform your idea management, making it more efficient and accessible.
Notion: Your Organizational Powerhouse: Discover how Notion can serve as a central hub for all your creative and business ideas.
Project Management Software: Listen in to hear the two most common project management applications.
Simplifying with Notes for Mac: Find out how the Notes app can streamline your idea capturing, especially with its quick-access feature.
Google Keep for Everyday Ideas: See how Google Keep can help not just in business but in family life, too, ensuring you never miss a beat.
From Chaos to Order: Hear real-life examples of how moving from paper to digital has simplified idea management.
Practical Steps for Immediate Implementation: Get actionable tips on setting up these digital tools to start organizing your ideas today.
For more insights and tips on revolutionizing your idea capturing process, check out the detailed guide on our website. Say goodbye to the chaos of lost ideas and embrace the simplicity of digital organization!
Link to the blog post:
Muchelle B has a YouTube: How I Organize My Life in Notion. You can check it out here:
Download Notion for free to try it out. Here is the link:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
Visit the website:
Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

Welcome to episode 54 of the Content Systems for Growth Podcast. Tech tools can be overwhelming to select as an online business owner. In this episode, I walk you through 3 questions to help you determine if Trello is the right project management software for your online coaching business. We focus on three key questions to guide your decision-making process.
Simplicity and Ease of Use
Understand the importance of visual organization.
Learn why effective planning and tracking are crucial for business growth.
Link to the blog post:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
Visit the website:
Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
Contact us with any questions:

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

Welcome to Today's Episode! In this episode, we're exploring the essential steps to organizing an effective content workflow for online business owners. If you're looking to create consistent content that not only saves time but also boosts your business's profit, this is the episode for you. From brainstorming to analyzing results, we cover it all to help you attract your ideal leads and clients into your sales funnel.
Generating Ideas for Organic Content: Uncover strategies to continuously generate fresh and relevant content ideas.
Demystifying Content Pillars: Understand what content pillars are and how they can be the backbone of your content strategy.
Mastering Keyword Research: Delve into the essential tools for keyword research to enhance your online presence and SEO.
Simplifying Content Creation: Get practical tips to make content creation less overwhelming and more effective.
Promoting Your Content: Discover the best ways to distribute and promote your content to reach your target audience.
Analyzing and Learning from Results: Learn how to analyze your content's performance and use these insights to refine your strategy.
For more insights and detailed guidance on creating and managing a profitable content workflow, make sure to visit our website. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your content strategy and drive your business success. Tune in now!
Don't forget to subscribe for more episodes on organic content creation for your online business. If you find this valuable, please share it with your business bestie.
Link to the blog post:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
Visit the website:
Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
Contact us with any questions:

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

Welcome to today’s episode, where we're diving deep into the ease of creating an efficient content system for lead management. Are you struggling to keep track of your leads? I know this was a struggle for me at the beginning of my business. Do you find managing client information more chaotic than it should be? This episode is your compass to simplicity and efficiency.
Discover the Key to Efficient Lead Management: Learn the secret to transforming your lead management from chaotic to streamlined.
Exploring Top Tools: We discuss Dubsado, Honeybook, and Google Forms, revealing how each can revolutionize your approach to lead capture.
Tailoring Your System: Find out how to customize these tools to fit your unique business needs and workflow.
Real-Life Transformations: Listen to personal anecdotes about the drastic changes and growth experienced after implementing these systems.
Quick Tips for Immediate Implementation: Get actionable advice that you can implement today to start seeing a difference in your lead management.
For more details and to dive deeper into creating your perfect content system for lead management, visit our website. Don’t let lead management be the bottleneck of your business growth. Tune in and transform your process today!
Link to the blog post:**dubsado-lead-capture-workflow**/
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
Visit the website:
Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
Contact us with any questions:
Disclaimer: If you happen to purchase anything I recommend in this or any of my communications, it’s likely I'll receive some kind of affiliate compensation from these products that I use and love. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links.

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

In this episode, we get into setting realistic resolutions and goals in content creation. We explore practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt, embracing imperfection, and maintaining consistency in your entrepreneurial journey.
Key Points:
The Reality of Resolutions: Discuss the common pitfalls in setting grand resolutions and the importance of adopting a mindset geared towards consistent, imperfect action.
The Power of Grace in Business: Emphasize self-kindness and the significance of treating ourselves with the same compassion we offer others, especially in balancing entrepreneurship with personal life.
Practical Steps for Consistent Content Creation: Unpack actionable tips including the ten-minute action plan, creating a story bank, and applying coaching principles to your content strategy.
Overcoming the Inner Critic: Share strategies to challenge self-doubt and focus on the positive impact your content can have, even if it's just for one person. Highlight the benefits of journaling in overcoming mental barriers.
A Call to Consistent Action: Inspire listeners to embrace consistent content creation, highlighting the ripple effect of their impact and sharing personal commitments to regular content production.
Closing Thoughts: Remember, your voice matters, and your experiences are valuable. Embrace small, steady steps in your content journey and watch as your unique story unfolds and resonates with your audience.
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
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Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

In this 50th episode celebration, I highlight the often-skipped over yet powerful concept of celebrating small wins. What constitutes a small win and why acknowledging these moments is crucial for sustained motivation and success, especially in the entrepreneurial journey.
What you’ll hear:
Understanding Small Wins: Why celebrate small wins and how they play a significant role in our daily lives and online businesses.
The Psychological Benefits: Insights into how celebrating these wins boosts our mental health, increases productivity, and fosters a positive mindset.
Practical Celebration Strategies: This episode hightlights simple yet effective ways to celebrate your own small victories, whether it's through a success jar, a journal, or digital tools like Notion.
Incorporating Small Wins into Everyday Life: Tips and advice on how to make the acknowledgment of small wins a regular part of your daily routine, enhancing both personal and professional growth.
If you struggle to follow through, celebration small wins cultivate a more positive, productive, and fulfilling life and business experience. Tune in to learn how to harness the power of small wins and turn them into stepping stones towards your greater goals!
“When you’re in the GAIN, you focus on what you’ve actually done. You measure your GAINS and use those GAINS to create more and better GAINS in your future.” Hardy, Benjamin; Sullivan, Dan. The Gap and The Gain (p. xxviii). Hay House. Kindle Edition.
Book A Mini Session: 30-minute mini session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!
Contact Us:

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

Welcome to this week's episode, where we dive deep into the heart of goal achievement for mothers balancing bustling households and ambitious business dreams. Have you ever found yourself yearning to turn your business goals into reality, year after year? This episode is tailored just for you.
Key Points Discussed:
Action is the Foundation: We explore the importance of taking action towards your goals. I share my insights on the necessity of creating an action plan and avoiding the trap of self-sabotage. Remember, any action, even if imperfect, is a step forward.
The Power of a Motivational Note: I discuss how a simple, heartfelt note to yourself can be a source of motivation on tough days. Hear about my personal note that kept me focused on my journey, serving as a daily reminder to stay in my lane and run my own race.
Accountability and Success: Accountability, whether self-imposed or with an accountability partner, is crucial. I talk about how prioritizing our goals, even amidst family and business demands, is essential in maintaining our integrity and commitment.
Learning to Say No: A vital skill for any business leader, especially mothers who tend to be people pleasers. I give you permission to say no to things that don't align with your goals or values. We discuss building the 'no muscle' and how saying no to the wrong things allows us to say yes to the right ones.
The 'What If' Scenario: We look into the importance of considering the outcomes of action and inaction. I encourage you to prepare for setbacks and focus on the positive implications of achieving your goals.
Celebrating Every Success: Remember to be your own cheerleader and celebrate every little win. In the coming week's episode, "The Power of Small Wins," I promise to inspire you further.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways:
Embrace small, daily actions towards your goals.
Keep a motivational note for tough times.
Imperfect action is better than waiting for perfection.
Make your goals a priority and say no to misaligned tasks.Consider the outcomes of your actions.
Celebrate your achievements, big and small.
As a busy mother with an active family, achieving your goals is about finding balance, staying motivated, and making your dreams a priority. You have the strength and determination to turn your goals into reality.
Thank you for tuning in, and remember, your journey as a mother and entrepreneur is uniquely yours. Embrace it with all its challenges and triumphs.
Book A Mini Session: 30-minute mini session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!
Contact Us:

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the world of visual goal tracking – a transformative approach for female entrepreneurs looking to achieve their business dreams while balancing family life. We explore various methods of goal tracking, including the Chalkboard Method, which provides a constant visual reminder of your goals, and the use of digital tools like Notion and Milanote for creating vision boards and organized goal planning.
We discuss the importance of setting and visually tracking quarterly goals to maintain focus and how these tools not only help in planning but also serve as sources of daily motivation. The episode shares personal experiences and insights, emphasizing the power of a business mantra in overcoming challenges like perfectionism and procrastination.
The journey concludes with a powerful message on the importance of visual goal tracking in guiding entrepreneurs toward their dreams, highlighting how this method offers a clear compass in the entrepreneurial journey.
Listen in for an inspirational podcast that blends practical advice with motivational stories designed to encourage female entrepreneurs to visualize and achieve their business goals.
Ashlyn Writes Course Primed to Launch. If you’d like to check out the course, I’ll save you the Google search. Here is the link to her sales page:
The Chalkboard Method from Being Boss, here is the link to the podcast that they break it down:
Download the Free Quarterly Planning Guide for Small Online Business Owners. It will be a resource that you will use time and time again.
I have a free resource, Know Thy Number. It has a bonus tab to Price for Profit. If you’ve not created a budget or do not have a clue how to price your services for profit, grab that free resource here:
$27 Annual Planning Toolkit Google Doc, Buy Now At
Book A Mini Session: 30-minute mini session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!
Visit the blog post:
Contact Us:
P.S. I love coffee, how about you? Leave a review of this podcast on your favorite podcast app to be entered into a weekly drawing for a cup of coffee, my treat. It is simple to enter. Screenshot your review and email it to Bonus entry if you tag me in your story on Instagram @micheleduweobm

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

Annual Planning for Online Business Owners
In episode 47 of the Content Systems for Growth Podcast, the focus is on the importance of creating an annual plan for your online business.
Here Are The Key Points:
The Power of 'Why': Your motivation or 'why' is crucial for perseverance in business, especially during tough times. It's what drives your journey in entrepreneurship.
Annual vs. Quarterly Planning: While an annual plan gives a broad overview (a 10,000-foot view), the real details come into play in quarterly planning. This approach helps in focusing on immediate and actionable steps.
Benefits of Annual Planning: It sets goals, maintains focus, and aligns your efforts for the year. This reduces hustle and gives a sense of control and direction.
Mapping Out the Year: This involves understanding your time availability and balancing business initiatives with your personal life. Limiting yourself to one major initiative at a time prevents feeling overwhelmed.
Reflection and Assessment: Reflect on the past year’s successes and failures, and assess happiness across different life areas like money, personal growth, self-care, etc.
Creating a Vision and Setting Goals: Journal about your ideal future, schedule, and feelings. Identify gaps between your current and future self, and set goals aligned with your vision.
Understanding Your Motivations: Using tools like Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies can help understand what drives you to achieve your goals.
Planning Your Budget: Determine revenue goals, spending limits, savings, and owner’s salary to ensure your pricing aligns with these financial goals.
Mapping Out Launches and Promotions: Schedule launches, promotions, and time off in advance to avoid conflicts and ensure work-life balance.
Thank you for listening. I appreciate you and hope you have a wonderful week.
Download the Free Quarterly Planning Guide for Small Online Business Owners. It will be a resource that you will use time and time again.
I have a free resource, Know Thy Number. It has a bonus tab to Price for Profit. If you’ve not created a budget or do not have a clue how to price your services for profit, grab that free resource here:
$27 Annual Planning Toolkit Google Doc, Buy Now At
Book A Mini Session: 30-minute mini session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!
Visit the blog post:
Contact Us:
P.S. I love coffee, how about you? Leave a review of this podcast on your favorite podcast app to be entered into a weekly drawing for a cup of coffee, my treat. It is simple to enter. Screenshot your review and email it to Bonus entry if you tag me in your story on Instagram @micheleduweobm


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