Content Systems for Growth - Project Management Software, Efficient, Consistency, Content Calendar, Blog Workflow, Planning, Systems

Save time with systemized content marketing strategies and productivity tips. Do you feel you’re running after a squirrel when it comes to consistently creating, organizing, and managing your content creation? Do you find yourself thinking, seriously, how do you even organize content? Without always wondering, where did I put that thing? More often than not, you find yourself going down a rabbit hole when it comes to locating any of your old content it is scattered and disorganized. You know in your heart that you were called to make a difference with your business, called for more to create a change. Your time is precious; every minute counts. Even the thought of getting your content organized and systemized is overwhelming. What tech do I use? Howwww do I work it? and How do I make it work for MY brain? Have you caught yourself saying, “Why is this so hard?” When it comes to your content creation for your online business? I know these are the exact words I used through sobs of tears as I dropped to my knees, praying for an easier solution to managing all the bits and bots of my content. In my mind, it just shouldn’t feel this hard and take this long to create content. For goodness’ sake, I had enough on my plate with managing the crazy schedules of three active kids, fitting quality time with my husband, and household, all while running an online business. The weight of it all felt impossible. Throwing spaghetti at the wall every day, creating new content when really want I needed to do was take the time to sit down to create a repeatable workflow to no longer depend on my brain to remember it all, create a structure to organize my files and look for ways that everything I created worked together so that my content actually generated new leads. If this is you, fill your coffee mug. You’re about to walk away with easy actions to market your business better with productivity tips and simple systems for your content creation. Book A Mini Session: 30-minute mini session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!

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4 days ago

Welcome to today’s episode where we dive into a topic that hits close to home for many of us: those days when you work non-stop but somehow feel you've accomplished nothing. It’s Michele here, and I understand how frustrating this can be. Even the most organized among us can find ourselves feeling stuck in a rut. So, today, I'm here to remind you that it's okay to have off days and the importance of extending grace to yourself during these times.
In our discussion, I'll share some personal strategies that have helped me turn unproductive days around. We’ll explore the power of journaling to uncover the deeper reasons behind our sluggish days, and how resetting our minds through meditation or a quick writing session can refresh our perspective.
I'll also walk you through how I use Notion for my daily and weekly planning to keep everything on track. You’ll get a peek into my rotating meal plans which simplify decisions throughout the week, and how I schedule buffer times to gracefully handle those inevitable life surprises.
Lastly, we'll look at why it’s crucial to revisit and reflect on tasks that we didn't get to finish. Understanding these can shed light on how we can enhance our productivity and decision-making processes moving forward.
So, grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let’s get started on transforming those unproductive feelings into proactive steps towards a more organized and fulfilling day!
00:00 Introduction: Relatable Unproductive Days
00:49 Understanding the Root Cause
02:01 Journaling for Productivity 03:38 Resetting Your Day
04:54 Night Before Preparation
07:32 Weekly Planning and Meal Prep
10:15 Evaluating Your Week
12:18 Conclusion and Recap
13:09 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
Link to the blog post:
Reduce Decision Fatigue:
Daily Journaling In Notion:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Work-from-Home Entrepreneur and Mom
In this episode, Michele discusses her journey to finding a balance between her online business and family life after years in a corporate hustle culture. She explores two types of entrepreneurs: those who overwork and those who struggle with time management. Michele shares strategies for establishing routines, setting personal boundaries, and prioritizing self-care to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
She provides tips on creating a purposeful morning routine, setting up children’s routines, and implementing end-of-day rituals. The episode emphasizes the importance of defining personal intentions, leveraging content creation skills, and setting boundaries with family and clients to make the work-from-home experience productive and fulfilling. Listeners are invited to apply for personalized coaching to help them better integrate their business and family life.
00:00 Introduction: The Quest for Work-Life Balance
00:44 Identifying the Work-Life Balance Struggles
02:13 Strategies for Hustle Harder Entrepreneurs
03:46 Tips for Struggle Bus Entrepreneurs
07:12 Establishing Effective Routines
16:07 Prioritizing Self-Care and Setting Boundaries
17:52 Embracing Flexibility and Outsourcing
19:36 Conclusion: Achieving Your Dream Work-Life Balance
Link to the blog post:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
Visit the website:
Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
Contact us with any questions:

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Creating Your Dream Week for Business Clarity and Success
In this episode, Michele discusses the importance of clarity in your online business by envisioning your 'dream week.' She shares personal experiences and stresses the significance of journaling in discovering what truly fulfills you. By aligning your business activities with your core values, you can achieve freedom and flexibility. Practical tips include setting up a 'dream week' calendar, identifying joyful activities, and breaking down your vision into manageable steps. Embrace the journey, trust the process, and watch your dreams unfold.
00:00 Finding Your Path: The Importance of Vision in Business 01:09 The Power of Journaling for Clarity and Success 02:52 Creating Your Dream Week: A Guide for Entrepreneurs 06:25 Practical Steps to Design Your Ideal Business Week 08:25 Embracing the Journey: Evolving Your Dream Week 08:50 Conclusion: Taking Action Towards Your Dream Business
Link to the blog post:
Link to simple coaching application:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday May 29, 2024

Mastering Time-Blocking for Enhanced Productivity
This script introduces time-blocking as a powerful tool for online entrepreneurs feeling overwhelmed by their daily tasks. It emphasizes the inefficiency of jumping from one project to another and advocates for a structured approach to daily schedules. The script details how to identify and utilize 'power hours,' suggests time-blocking for both hourly tasks and themed days, and advises on starting small with time-blocking practices. It offers practical advice on conducting a time audit to better understand task durations and distractions. The script shares personal anecdotes to illustrate the effectiveness of time-blocking in achieving a productive workday and maintaining a balance between client work and creative projects. It encourages listeners to adopt time-blocking and focus strategies to transform their work routine, increase productivity, and enjoy the freedom of entrepreneurship.
00:00 Introduction to Time Blocking for Productivity 00:47 Understanding Time Blocking and Its Benefits 01:40 Discovering Your Productivity Power Hours 03:01 Practical Tips for Effective Time Blocking 05:20 Implementing Time Blocking in Your Routine 10:08 The Importance of Flexibility and Adaptation 14:22 Invitation to Transform Your Business with Time Blocking 15:31 Conclusion and Call to Action
Link to the blog post:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Overcoming Creative Burnout: Strategies for Content Creators
In this episode of the Content Systems for Growth podcast, host Michele addresses the common issue of creative burnout among online entrepreneurs, sharing her personal experience of taking a year off from creating content due to burnout. She highlights the importance of recognizing the signs of creative burnout and provides five actionable tips to manage it effectively. These tips include taking breaks, setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, staying motivated during tough times, managing stress levels, and learning to say no. Michelle emphasizes establishing healthy routines, celebrating small wins, and the value of support from business peers. The episode encourages entrepreneurs to adopt strategies to avoid burnout, focus on self-care, and maintain productivity in their businesses.
00:00 Introduction: Overcoming Creative Burnout 00:46 Welcome to the Content Systems for Growth Podcast 01:25 Identifying Signs of Creative Burnout 01:36 Five Essential Tips for Managing Creative Burnout 03:44 Tip #1: Taking Breaks and Recharging 05:50 Tip #2: Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Tasks 08:19 Tip #3: Staying Motivated During Difficult Times 11:14 Tip #4: Managing Stress Levels to Avoid Burnout 13:00 Tip #5: Learning to Say No and Setting Limits 18:03 Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Creative Process
Link to the blog post:
Links from show:
What to Prepare Before Hiring a Content Assistant:
Overcoming the “Yes to Everything” Mindset Episode 66:
Celebrating Small Wins, Episode 50:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
Visit the website:
Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
Contact us with any questions:

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Mindset Shifts for Valuing Your Coaching Services
Welcome to this eye-opening episode where Michele discusses the often overlooked consequences of offering your coaching services for free. Michele explores the unseen consequences of giving away services for free due to self-doubt and the fear of not enough experience as a newish wellness coach. Michele shares personal experiences and insights on the value of one's time and expertise, highlighting the importance of not undervaluing services.
In this episode, she includes strategies for gaining experience, such as exchanging services or working for testimonials, and emphasizes that it doesn’t need to be for free, it is okay to ask for something in return.
Michele also suggests creating valuable content consistently as a form of free coaching that builds trust and attracts the right clients.
Overall this episode encourages listeners to shift their mindset from employee to business owner to avoid the hidden side effects of giving away services for free and to thrive in their business.
00:00 The Hidden Costs of Free Coaching 00:45 The Value Perception of Free Services 01:29 The Unappreciated Nature of Free Coaching 01:57 The Journey from Free to Fee: A Mindset Shift 03:28 Exploring Alternatives to Free Coaching 05:34 Mastering the Art of Asking 06:57 Leveraging Free Content for Growth 08:04 Concluding Thoughts on Value and Growth
Link to the blog post:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday May 08, 2024

Maximizing Your Email Marketing Funnel
This episode gets into how to diversify your organic content marketing strategy to grow your coaching business's email list. It begins by revisiting episode 64 on planning your opt-in freebie before moving on to actionable steps for creating a repeatable email marketing funnel process. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the goal of organic content marketing, addresses the common question of whether email marketing is still effective, and emphasizes providing value and connection through emails. The episode guides listeners through defining email marketing funnel goals, finding content for freebies, mapping out the funnel, creating email sequences, and promoting the opt-in offer. It stresses the importance of setting SMART goals, repurposing existing content, deciding on email sequence specifics like frequency and number of emails, and tracking metrics for continuous improvement. The episode aims to equip listeners with strategies to enhance their email marketing efforts, ultimately leading to business growth.
00:00 Kickstarting Your Email Marketing Funnel 00:42 Understanding the Purpose of Organic Content Marketing 01:19 Debunking Email Marketing Myths 03:04 Crafting Your Email Marketing Strategy 04:14 Selecting and Repurposing Content for Your Funnel 06:53 Mapping Out Your Email Marketing Funnel 11:05 Creating and Setting Up Your Email Sequences 13:00 Promoting Your Email Funnel and Tracking Success 14:51 Wrapping Up and Next Steps
Link to Episode 64 | The Simple Process of Planning and Brainstorming Your Opt-In Freebie:
Link to Episode 64 blog post:
Link to the blog post for this episode:
Unlock the full potential of your content strategy in just one hour with Content Creation Simplified Mini-Session, a clarity session designed to streamline your process and supercharge your consistency. Book A Mini Session:
Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Overcoming Content Creation Challenges
In this episode of the podcast, Michele addresses the common challenges faced by content creators in maintaining consistency. She shares her personal journey of overcoming a year-long content creation gap by setting a goal to become a consistent content creator and enjoying the process. Michele introduces the concept of goal mapping as a powerful tool for content creators, explaining her method of using digital tools like MindMeister or traditional paper and pen for brainstorming. She emphasizes the importance of identifying personal 'easy buttons' to make content creation more effortless, such as developing a checklist for the content creation process. Michele also discusses finding one's best content creation times, committing to a realistic publishing schedule, and the significance of self or external accountability in achieving content creation goals. The episode provides practical tips for goal mapping, setting milestones, and using tools like Asana or Trello for task organization, aiming to guide listeners toward becoming consistent content creators.
00:00 Welcome to the Content System for Growth Podcast 00:07 The Journey to Consistent Content Creation 01:08 Introducing Goal Mapping for Content Creators 01:39 Finding Your Content Creation Easy Button 02:33 Creating a System for Content Production 03:23 Tracking Productivity and Setting Realistic Goals 07:00 The Power of Goal Mapping in Content Creation 08:34 Organizing Your Goals with Project Management Tools 09:48 Wrapping Up: Your Path to Becoming a Consistent Content Creator
Link to blog post:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Unpacking Content Systems for Business Growth
In this episode of the Content Systems for Growth podcast, host Michele answers a question What is exactly is a content system and why does it matter. She gets into her view of a content systems, explaining its importance and components for business growth. She elaborates on the various elements that comprise a content system, including podcast workflows, editing processes, transcription, show notes, social media graphics, email marketing, launch processes, and client onboarding.
Michele uses the analogy of a content bucket and a mind map to help visualize how these components work together to create a seamless content strategy. She stresses that a well-structured content system can help transform potential clients from lurkers to loyal customers by fostering know-like-trust.
Furthermore, Michele offers insights into how her content creation team can help businesses repurpose a single podcast episode into multiple pieces of content, thus saving time and maximizing impact. The episode concludes with an encouragement to listeners to implement these strategies to make their content work harder for them, ultimately leading to business success.
00:00 Welcome to the Content Systems for Growth Podcast 00:13 Demystifying Content Systems 00:27 The Anatomy of a Content System 01:21 Podcast Workflow: A Deep Dive 03:28 Expanding Your Content System Beyond Podcasting 05:47 Visualizing Your Content System as a Mind Map 07:52 How Our Content Creation Team Can Help 08:45 Wrapping Up: The Power of Content Systems
Link to the blog post:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Mastering the Art of Saying No for Business Growth
Welcome Friend to another episode of the Content Systems for Growth, hosted by Michele Duwe, this is for you if you’re an online business owners with the goal of hitting the six-figure revenue mark. We’re guessing you’re familiar with the phrase what got you here will not get you there. Michele discusses the pitfalls of the 'yes to everything' mindset that helped entrepreneurs initially grow their businesses but doing all the things in your business leads to burnout and inefficiency. In order for your business to grow you’ll need to begin saying no to non-essential tasks and distractions. Doing so allows entrepreneurs to focus on what truly matters for further growth. The episode covers practical steps for overcoming guilt associated with saying no, prioritizing tasks that deserve a 'yes', and effectively managing one's time and energy by offloading certain responsibilities to a virtual team or content creation service. Michele shares her personal journey of expanding her content creation team to manage her podcast, highlighting the benefits of making mindful choices about task delegation for better work-life balance and business success.
00:00 The Journey to Six Figures: Overcoming Hustle Burnout
00:50 Welcome to Content Systems for Growth Podcast
00:57 The Power of Saying No: Elevating Your Business
01:30 Building Your Team: Letting Go of Control
03:38 Identifying Your Yeses and Nos: A Guide to Mindful Decision-Making
04:25 Overcoming the Yes-to-Everything Mindset
08:40 Mindful Yes: Strategies for Effective Decision-Making
10:11 Wrapping Up: Embrace Mindful Choices for Business Growth
11:32 Maximize Your Impact with Content Repurposing Services
12:33 Closing Thoughts: Making It a Wonderful Week
Link to the blog post:
Ready to grow your audience and impact with less overwhelm? Check out our done-for-you content repurposing services. Turn your podcast into eight distinct pieces of content to increase your reach and deepen your impact. Click the link for more details.
DOWNLOAD THIS FREE RESOURCE: Transform How You Create Content: Streamline Your Entire Content Creation Process! Sign up for this email series and free workbook: Organic Content Creation Workflow and Content Organization
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Learn how to work with the Miss Task Team:
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